
BibliOdyssey: The Link List

Nagy kedvencem BibliOdyssey egy fantasztikus link listát tett közzé. Több hétre való nézegetni/olvasni való:

bioephemeraeastern blotpharyngulacurious expeditionsdiary of a mad historianpaleo-futurecabinet magthings magdream treeblue teainky circuspanabasisbouphoniacrystal punkbrass goggleshooting yardectomoapothecary's drawerneurophilosophypink tentaclefed by birdsa bacia das almasmodern mechanixenthusiasm

prunedbldgblogkosmogradgravestmorinhabitatmoon rivermaproomgreat mapstrange mapscatholic gauzeeikonographia

languagehatmirabilislaputan logicwoods lotdamn interestingcronaca3quarksdailythe huge entitydavid byrnesarsaparillamaud newtonsteamthingtmnsepia mutinymaterial world

coudalballa dóraswissmissbb-blog1+1=3design observerveerle notcotspeakupdesign et typodinodreamgraphic design barace jet 170bilapristinaozouxdesign hungarydbqpdesign*spongevispo

giornale nuovo Θ o'connors o'pinions Θ lines and colors Θ feuilleton Θ netlex news Θ loreto martin, Θ illustration art Θ nonist Θ oldprints Θ guardian art Θ efímera

metafilterplepoinkmonkeyfilterbibi's boxilikespy's spicedirtymira y callabedazzledpuñokerlamestheresa duncan

fade theorydesign booksphilobiblon bookartsbookridefine booksforewordbibliophile bullpenbookplate junkieelizabeth birdclassical bookwormlee kottnermake ready

data is natureinfostheticsdigital history hackssubtractionjean snowwmmnaawlndeeplinkingpingmagspurgeonblogvisual musicregardetomorrowland

ullabenullale divan fumoir bohémienendicott reduxagence eurekajaponismewoolgatheringjuju loves polkadotssowashigatochyelly yap

phantasmaphilesuzanneGla petite claudinegmt+9-15ursijaf projectmonster brainsarmchair aquariumgeisha asobila boite a imagescruelanimalzénon annexecavendum a meretricibusla main gaucheanimula vagularecogedor

eyelevel ω glasgow art ω ramage ω drawn ω ashleyB ω process recess ω traveling with the ghost ω malanda ω neurasthenia ω popaula ω bezembinder ω the horse's neck ω rashomon ω dirty beloved ω aguarrás ω newsgrist ω el reciklante ω gráfica colectiva ω dreams less sweet ω mixin' jam ω never happened

the little professor θ philobiblon history θ early modern notes θ clioaudio θ blogging the renaissance θ rob macdougall θ barista θ stingy scholar θ jessamyn

boynton •• gaspode •• ampersand duck •• bugbread •• points of departure •• calypso spots •• sorrow at sills bend

"If it looks like I know anything then the mirrors are working."
(via BibliOdyssey)

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